Sunday, April 17, 2011

A beautiful dream

So, I had a dream last night. It was wonderful.
In it, I somehow acquired a TARDIS. Not really sure how, the dream-logic kinda glossed over that. And in this wonderful dream, I used the TARDIS to become a time-traveling assassin. I committed unstoppable, unsolvable murders. Of politicians mostly. Lots and lots of politicians. Good times...
I carved a merry path through the halls of Congress, the Capitol building, and the White House. From the bitchiest Democrat to the most aspergery Libertarian, I slaughtered them all. I even made a pyramid with the giant foreheads of Republican senators.
Sadly, this magical dream eventually had to end, and I woke up. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and popped some oatmeal in the microwave. Sat down at the desk and opened my RSS reader. And became horribly, horribly depressed.

I know it's a bit much to hope for, but one day, I pray this tale will inspire some enterprising soul to fulfill my dream. Someday in the future we may all wake one fine morn to discover Washington as a ghost town, all the parasites having vanished in a puff of temporal logic.


  1. must invent time machine to fulfill this dream. or invisibility.. it would be similarly helpful.
    (also you should disable the captcha requirement to post comments)
